Old style kitchen is one of the best looking kitchen design. There are two ways of having an old style kitchen, first is you really love the old tradition style kitchen, second is you buy an old house and you want to remodel the kitchen without spending to much money but still looks great. Having and old style kitchen on a new house is nice because it reflect the owner personality and an old style kitchen simply tells that the owner loves cooking and a good cook. In society an old restaurant is a sure good restaurant just like old style kitchen.
Some great pictures of an old style kitchen and a combination of modern and old style kitchen:
"traditional old style kitchen in wooden cabinets and marble scullery and prep area" image taken from 4kitchen-design.com |
"traditional old style kitchen with stone bricks walls, marble scullery and prep area and wood cabinets" image taken from archigator.com |
"old style kitchen with wood cabinets, black marble scullery and prep area with modern appliances" image taken from archigator.com |
"old and modern style kitchen, old stone bricks wall with modern cabinets, chairs and appliances" image taken from brightbazaar.blogspot.com |
"old style kitchen with white cabinets and modern appliances" image taken from cotedetexas.blogspot.com |
"old style kitchen with white cabinets and a semi modern black marble scullery and prep area" image taken from crown-point.com |
"old and modern style kitchen, bricks wall with modern cabinets and appliances" image taken from homeklondike.com |
"old style kitchen with dark wooden cabinets" image taken from longleyoldhall.co.uk |
"old style kitchen with light brown wood cabinets and gray marble scullery and prep area" image taken from luxury-interior.org |
"old and modern style kitchen, old red bricks table stand with modern appliances, cabinets and chairs" image taken from ranroom.com |
"old style kitchen with cream wood cabinets and beige marble prep area" image taken from sipaco-production.com |
"old style kitchen with stone mosaic wall and stainless steel scullery" image taken from styleathome.com |
"old style kitchen with yellow wood cabinets and modern appliances" image taken from thekitchn.com |
Traditional Old Kitchen